This volume brings together the culmination of philological and linguistic work undertaken by a wide range of experts in the Anatolian languages. The research papers published here cover practically the entire linguistic and chronological spectrum of the Anatolian group of Indo-European languages, without neglecting important interactions with languages from other cultural environments, among which the Semitic group stands out. The publication can therefore be regarded as a valuable contribution to Anatolian and Indo-European studies, reflecting the persistant and sustained efforts of a group of researchers with a broad array of interests, some of whom have many years of research behind them and are well known in the field. They have now been joined by new scholars, who enable us to foresee a promising future for our disciplines.
Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2023 · BARCINO. MONOGRAPHICA ORIENTALIA
360 p. · 17 x 24 cm · · ISBN 978-84-9168-937-9 · 28 € · anglès
Matèria: Història i arqueologia : Història
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Universitat Abat Oliba CEU • Universitat d'Alacant • Universitat d'Andorra • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • Universitat de Barcelona • Universitat CEU Cardenal Herrera • Universitat de Girona • Universitat de les Illes Balears • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya • Universitat Jaume I • Universitat de Lleida • Universitat Miguel Hernández d'Elx • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya • Universitat de Perpinyà Via Domitia • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • Universitat Politècnica de València • Universitat Pompeu Fabra • Universitat Ramon Llull • Universitat Rovira i Virgili • Universitat de Sàsser • Universitat de València • Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya