What do National Socialism and animal law have in common? Indeed, when talking about animal welfare and species conservation, one cannot overlook the fact that the laws emanated in the Third Reich were amongst the first to regulate these matters in a structured and unified manner. For obvious reasons, though, the topic of animal protection in Nazi Germany has been overshadowed by the human tragedy, which occurred in this period of history. How could the Nazis have been concerned about animals whilst perpetrating appalling acts against humans? It would be easy to dismiss their benevolent disposition toward animals as hypocritical. Nevertheless, several associations can be made between the German attitudes towards nature, the Nazi ideological and behavioural dynamics, and the subsequent provisions. Undoubtedly, the question on the authenticity of the motivations behind the Nazi animal welfare and protection movement is difficult to answer. However, there are enough references to give some indication as to their true intentions: to create a progressive legislative framework or a legal veil for propaganda? From German Romanticism to anti-Semitism, this book bridges the gap between two seemingly unrelated topics.
Bellaterra (cerdanyola del Vallès): Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018 · Derecho Animal, 1
· ISBN 978-84-490-7261-1 · 7 € · anglès
Matèria: Societat i ciències socials : Animals i societat
What do National Socialism and animal law have in common? Indeed, when talking about animal welfare and species conservation, one cannot overlook the fact that the laws emanat...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019) · 170 pàg. · 17 €
Los abusos y las agresiones sexuales contra los animales constituyen un tipo de maltrato cruel y atroz, no solo por los daños físicos, sino también porque implican un menos...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018) · 6 €
Desde que los humanos tenemos uso de razón nos hemos servido de los animales y hemos abusado de ellos para un sinfín de utilidades, muchas de ellas bien conocidas pero, aun ...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2022) · 218 pàg. · 7 €
Al igual que ocurre en otros sectores profesionales, los medios de comunicación han utilizado a los animales para lograr diferentes objetivos económicos, políticos y social...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2022) · 80 pàg. · 14 €
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