The publication "Notes on Operations Management" is a document that covers different key topics in the management of production systems, organised in 11 chapters. The documents starts with the strategic aspects, and gradually and sequentially develops the more operational issues, covering aspects such as the calculation of the sales forecast, the master production shedule (MPS), the material requirement planning (MRP), stock management, project management, quality management, queue management, just-in-time, etc. Nonetheless, this is not an extensive and detailed text on the subject like most manuals in the field, but quite the opposite. It is a very concise and synthetic text, whose sole objective is to guide readers on each topic. This is why the document has been specifically called "notes". It is therefore an initial or complementary text for students who study subjects linked to "Operations Management" and who will undoubtedly need to supplement their knowledge with other resources such as the classes on the subjects, texts with solved problems, specific manuals for each topic, etc
Girona: Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions, 2023
98 p. · · ISBN 978-84-8458-643-2 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Tecnologia, enginyeria, agricultura, processos industrials : Producció i enginyeria industrial
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