The Conference Irrigation, Society and Landscape, celebrated in Valencia on September the 25th, 26th and 27th of 2014, brought together numerous researchers and professionals interested in traditional irrigation, in order to discuss and reflect on the past, present and future of these natural and cultural systems. The Conference analyzed the historical evolution of irrigation, considering technological, agronomic, social and institutional aspects. The present and potential values of irrigation systems as cultural landscapes were also considered. In addition, the Conference contributed to the analysis of the challenging processes of urbanization and modernization, and the strategies oriented to strengthen the socioeconomic viability and the preservation of these systems. The Conference was conceived to pay homage to Thomas F. Glick, whose research has been anessential contribution to the study of traditional irrigation systems and has encouraged water heritage acknowledgement and protection.
VALENCIA: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015 · Congreso
1244 p. · 17 x 24 cm · · ISBN 978-84-9048-274-2 · 5 € · castellà
Matèria: Tecnologia, enginyeria, agricultura, processos industrials : Agricultura i explotacions agropecuàries
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