Many years ago, more than two thousand, Vitruvius wrote about “what is architecture” and “what should architects know”. These questions appeared in the first chapter of the first book of his well-known treatise Ten Books on Architecture. But, what do we teach at Barcelona School of Architecture? Do we teach what architects need to know? The answer is obvious, and it is supported by the courses currently taught and shown in the present volume. It constitutes a wide variety. It seems so but, in order to train in “what architects should know” all these courses are needed, as all of them converge in a central common objective: to offer the best training possible on architecture. The origins of this concern go back to the 1775 noble School of Arts and Trades, where the first course on architecture in Barcelona was created in 1817. In 1875 it would assume definitively its present name and, then, in 1971 became cofounder of the current Barcelona Tech. The volume the reader is carrying shows how Barcelona School of Architecture answers that second question by Vitruvius. It is quite possible to find someone missing certain topics currently considered indispensable by the logic of the moment, by the evolutive process of our society, by the changes and social needs, or the unalterable need of always having the correct answers. But that is not something which this or that course should clarify. It is not their duty, neither that of Barcelona School of architecture. Our responsibility focuses on training the students to consolidate the resources and mechanisms needed to correctly answer the abovementioned questions in the future. Therefore, is based on a crosswise work, a multidimensionality that allows to connect different topics with each other. This way, a balance can be reached fit for the various factors in the equation, knowing, as well, the solution is not unique. Only in this way can we aspire to change the world for the better. There is no interest for what is complicated, what is important is what is complex: we work on the complexity. Our School qualifies to practice the architectural profession through all the processes needed, and assuming each and every one of its dimensions. Our graduates confirm that the architectural is a restless trade with an ever less blurry horizon although wider and more ambitious. It is here where that multidimensional training allows to face any challenge without hesitation, with excellent results, and a value and prestige that make our students to be sought after worldwide. Our reputation comes from them. Their work in Barcelona School of Architecture is kept in our memory, in our brilliant academic archive, one of the better celebrated worldwide. Graphic documents dating back to the beginning of the 18th century show the intimate relationship of Barcelona School of architecture with the construction of the city, of Barcelona, which arouses so much interest all over the world. The memory of our present is showed year after year in the exhibition of the works from all the courses and years in an event we call Open ETSAB. An exhibition that introduces the training labour intimately linked to the research and professional practice of the various lecturers and departments. A synthesis that feeds the cultural area of the school with numerous exhibitions and publications that can also be seen in our website. An activity that arouses great interest, national and internationally, thanks to the exchanges with the best universities worldwide. Barcelona School of Architecture is a community formed by more than 3,500 individuals.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2020
307 p. · · ISBN 978-84-9880-877-3 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Arts : Arquitectura
Registre OAI
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Universitat Abat Oliba CEU • Universitat d'Alacant • Universitat d'Andorra • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • Universitat de Barcelona • Universitat CEU Cardenal Herrera • Universitat de Girona • Universitat de les Illes Balears • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya • Universitat Jaume I • Universitat de Lleida • Universitat Miguel Hernández d'Elx • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya • Universitat de Perpinyà Via Domitia • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • Universitat Politècnica de València • Universitat Pompeu Fabra • Universitat Ramon Llull • Universitat Rovira i Virgili • Universitat de Sàsser • Universitat de València • Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya