Within the European context, there are many initiatives for PhD supervisory training already in existence, but a more systematic approach to this task would be needed. In this landscape, we took the initiative of organizing an informal meeting for experts with an interest and expertise on PhD supervisory training, the Tarragona Think Tank on PhD supervisory training: challenges and good practices, hosted by University Rovira i Virgili (URV, Tarragona). This event allowed both the presentation of individual university experiences and the undertaking of a collective reflection on challenges, impact assessment and the visualisation of an ideal future for PhD supervisory training. Noting the need for more concerted efforts and practices, the present book is precisely a first tangible outcome of this concerted effort. Looking forward, we expect that this book can help setting the basis for the development of a network or alliance between the participating organisations and an ongoing effort aimed at bringing the professionalization of doctoral supervisors to the forefront in education policy at the university level. In sum, we hope that this contribution can help materialising ideas into actions.
Tarragona: Publicacions URV, 2017 · Universitat Rovira i Virgili
100 p. · · ISBN 978-84-8424-654-1 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Societat i ciències socials : Educació superior i contínua, educació terciària
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