This Handbook aims to be accessible and useful to current and future English Medium Education (EME) teachers. Although conceived initially for teachers at the University of Girona, it may be of equal interest to teachers and policymakers in other higher education settings where EME is being implemented. The Handbook is organised into separate sections focusing on different themes of interest and concern. These themes have been extracted from an in-depth thematic analysis of presentations delivered by members of the EME Teaching Innovation Network (Institute of Education Sciences, UdG). The aim of these presentations was to share EME teaching experiences, highlighting notable findings, difficulties encountered, and lessons learned. The themes that emerged from the presentations were debated at length by members of the Network and contrasted with current literature in the field. The results have been summarised in this Handbook in order to i) encouraging EME teachers to reflect on their own practice; ii) contribute to the growing body of research on EME in the international arena.
Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions, 2024
· ISBN 978-84-8458-661-6 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Adolescents, adults joves, joves, infants, juvenils, preadolescents, de grau mitjà : Material educatiu
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