In this third edition of the congress, the original idea has been to gather more inclusive, real and actualized data leading us to the level where research regarding this matter should be more readily available in the 21st century. The theme of the conference has been focused on western Mediterranean fortifications (Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) dating from the 15th to the 18th centuries, including the rest of Mediterranean countriesand the fortifications of this era that were built overseas (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Panama, etc.). In this edition of Alicante has opted for a continuity in the thematic blocks, although some minor modifications have been introduced. Mainly the "Port and Fortification" line, due to the special interest of the Technology and Sustainability research group of the University of Alicante in the identification of the characteristics that distinguish the fortified set of the city of Alicante and the island of Tabarca. The debate produced by the different interventions of experts in fortified groups of coasts, and especially of the Mediterranean coast, is expected to be a clarifier of the proper elements of the Alicante heritage. The comparative analysis with other fortified settlements of the XVI-XVIII centuries, in their genesis and evolution, will help to contribute new values to the historical knowledge of the fortified heritage, and the way in which the intervention projects should be undertaken, both in their architectural conception, as well as of the uses that could be introduced and specific intervention techniques.
Publicacions Institucionals UA, 2017 · Publicacions Institucionals Universitat d'Alacant
524 p. · 17 x 24 cm · · ISBN 978-84-16724-75-8 · 30 € · anglès
Matèria: Arts : Arquitectura: castells i fortificacions
In this third edition of the congress, the original idea has been to gather more inclusive, real and actualized data leading us to the level where research regarding this matt...
(Publicacions Institucionals UA, 2017) · 510 pàg. · 30 €
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En 1990 se creó un Comité Italia-España para la Historia Económica que se reune con una periodicidad bianual. Este libro, que recoge las actas del congreso celebrado en Vi...
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