XXIV ISUF Conference in Valencia marks as its objective the updating of studies in urban morphology and urban and territorial planning on a two-fold global concern, environmental sustainability and social and urban inequality, concern to be focused on the development of new analytical techniques. First concern, environmental sustainability, is addressed in Topics nº 1 "Stages in territorial configuration", nº 4, "Efficient use of resources for a sustainable city", nº 5 "Transforming the existing city", and nº 8, "Urban green space". Second concern, social and urban inequality, is addressed in Topics nº2 "Urban form and social use of space" and nº3, "Reading and regenerating the informal city". The emphasis in new analytical methods is addressed in Topics nº6 "Cartography and Big Data" and nº7, "Tools for analysis in urban morphology".
Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018 · Congreso
· ISBN 978-84-9048-574-3 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Arts : Arquitectura
Registre OAI
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