This book is the result of years of experience teaching English to Spanish undergraduates studying for a degree in English Language and Literature. The focus of the book reflects the assumption that a large majority of the mistakes made by advanced-level learners are the result of interference from their native language. The approach adopted in this book is based on the idea that correcting one's own mistakes involves two separate operations, namely, first recognising the error as such and then providing the correction for it. In the first two thirds of the book, errors are explicitly identified for the learner, whose task is simply to correct the errors. In the final third, however, learners must carry out both operations. It is this two-step approach that the term «guided error correction» tries to reflect. In order to provide sufficient practice, each of the errors -all characteristic of Spanish-speakers learning English- occurs on six separate occasions in the book. In addition, the book includes a section of brief explanatory notes at the back of the book where each of the errors is explained, with Spanish translations provided to enhance comprehension of nuances in meaning. These notes are cross-referenced with each error in the exercises for handy referral, but at the same time represent in themselves a compact reference source for common errors. This book will be useful for upper intermediate to advanced-level Spanish-speaking learners of English in any context, though it has been designed primarily not for systematic consecutive classroom use but rather as a series of self-correcting one-page exercises that can be pursued sporadically at the learner's convenience. This book is part of a series of three books. Michael Kennedy-Scanlon has an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. Since coming to Spain in 1981, he has taught English for the Health Sciences, English for Professional Purposes, and Intercultural Communication in a variety of university contexts. He also does proofreading, author's editing and occasional translations of academic texts into English. Juli Cebrian holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Toronto, Canada, and a BA in English Philology from the University of Barcelona. He is professor agregat of English Language and Linguistics at the UAB and has taught English and Spanish as foreign languages and English for Special Purposes at several institutions. His research focuses on language learning, and specifically on the acquisition of English as a foreign language. John Bradbury has a degree in Spanish with French from the University of Bradford in the UK. He teaches English Language, Teaching Methodology and English Linguistics in the English Philology Department of the UAB and General English and Business English in the Human Resources Department of Banc Sabadell. He is an oral examiner for the Cambridge First Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Proficiency examinations.
Bellaterra (cerdanyola del Vallès): Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2010 · Documents, 91
176 p. · 16 x 23 cm · · ISBN 978-84-490-2763-5 · 7 € · anglès
Matèria: Llenguatge i lingüística : Material i treballs de classe per a l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge de llengües
This book is the result of years of experience teaching English to Spanish undergraduates studying for a degree in English Language and Literature. The focus of the book refle...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011) · 184 pàg. · 13 €
This book is the result of years of experience teaching English to Spanish undergraduates studying for a degree in English Language and Literature. The focus of the book refle...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012) · 196 pàg. · 13 €
This book is the result of years of experience teaching English to Spanish undergraduates studying for a degree in English Language and Literature. The focus of the book refle...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2010) · 176 pàg. · 13 €
L'arqueòleg de Cambó presenta una aproximació biogràfica a la figura po-lifacètica de Josep Gibert i Buch (Girona, 1903 - Barcelona, 1979), així com un recull de vuitant...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021) · 122 pàg. · 4 €
A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, hemos querido invitar a otras formas de recuerdo de Alejandro, más libres y, a veces, menos ortodoxas o menos históricas. Ello debe...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020) · 90 pàg. · 12 €
El propòsit d'aquest llibre és el de situar la música europea durant la primera meitat del segle XIX en el context general del moviment romàntic que precisament aquell art...
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2006) · 174 pàg. · 9 €
(Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2004) · 50 pàg. · 6 €
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU • Universitat d'Alacant • Universitat d'Andorra • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • Universitat de Barcelona • Universitat CEU Cardenal Herrera • Universitat de Girona • Universitat de les Illes Balears • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya • Universitat Jaume I • Universitat de Lleida • Universitat Miguel Hernández d'Elx • Universitat Oberta de Catalunya • Universitat de Perpinyà Via Domitia • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • Universitat Politècnica de València • Universitat Pompeu Fabra • Universitat Ramon Llull • Universitat Rovira i Virgili • Universitat de Sàsser • Universitat de València • Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya